Fred W. Smith papers 1964-2008


Fred W. Smith papers 1964-2008

Papers of Fred W. Smith, a former Secretary of the Institute and Assistant to the President at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Smith worked at RIT from 1971-2008. The collection includes biographical material, copies of Smith's papers and presentations, correspondence, and administrative information for select projects. The Fred W. Smith papers consist of documents related to Smith's time at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). A large portion of the collection is made up of correspondence. This includes a folder of correspondence between the RIT Board of Trustees and President H. W. Bush (not originals) regarding Bush's participation in RIT's commencement exercises. There is also correspondence on campus events and assorted projects. The collection also includes copies of Smith's papers and presentations. For instance, there are copies of the papers Smith presented at the Rochester Fortnightly Club of Rochester between 1973 and 2008. There are copies of other papers written by Smith such as an article titled "Management of Student Affairs in Higher Education" from 1980. Most of Smith's records remained in his office when he retired, but there are some administrative documents in the collection. For instance, the collection contains a proposal for a student life center and some documents related to the Rochester Board of Trustees and its activities. In addition, there is a section on the campus tiger statue that was dedicated in 1989. This includes information on the original live tiger mascot, Spirit, a proposal for the sculpture, copyright information, publicity pieces, slides depicting the sculpture's creation, fundraising information, and a DVD of the 1989 dedication ceremony. There are also a few pieces of biographical material in the collection such as Smith's résumé and articles announcing Smith's various appointments at the college.

0.5 linear feet (1 document box)

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